December 17, 2004

I would lick a frozen flagpole for $5.00. Any takers?

Come on people, I've got a college loan to pay.

December 15, 2004

I'm blogging at work. This means one of two things: A) I've got nothing better to do, or B) People won't leave me alone about not blogging. *Survey says B*

I now have bangs. For those of you who know me, I haven't had bangs since I was a small lass in New Boston. They look pretty good, if I do say so myself. I have also discovered the glories of diet's like bubbly water :) Work is doing this thing called 'why weight' and brought in Jarrod from Subway to kick it off...they also have strategically placed scales EVERYWHERE in all of the buildings. I can't pass up a scale (which is why I don't own one) without standing on it. Is it fair to take 5 lbs off for clothes and shoes?

Okay, back to work.

Melissa: you owe me a dollar