Your Dominant Thinking Style: Visioning |
An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum. |
December 14, 2006
December 09, 2006

2006 was the shittiest year I've had in a really long time. On the plus side, I still have a place to live, my family, animals and that one guy to love and who loves me. Here are some pics, the ones of the dogs frolicking in the first "snow" of the year is cute! I've also attached a pic of the squirrel who lives in the back yard eating the pumpkins from fall.

September 30, 2006

I am now sporting a new engagement ring!
This is pretty much what it looks like. Chris proposed on my birthday. No date has been set yet, but we're thinking a 6-8 months from now. I also got the coolest stuff from my fam for my birthday too.... Melissa gave me 4 pretty wine glasses (which I badly needed), Mom and dad gave me a rolling pin (also badly needed), two blown glass ornaments (which I collect), moolah (once again, nice to have) and Kristina and Ted are taking me to a hard-to-get-tickets-for Colts game next Sunday! And, to top it off I got to have 3 birthday cakes! One was a pre-birthday celebration icecream cake with the sisters and Ted. One was a work related german chocolate cake on the day of, and one was a confetti cake with Ben and Jerry's ice cream with mom and dad.
I am now 25. I can't believe it. I've always wanted to be 25. I'd say I shut down 24 with a bang. I wonder where I'll be in the next 25 years.....
Oh yeah, and thanks to Michaela, we now call Bailey "ba-yee"
September 05, 2006
Number One-
I will either A: Never take my child into a grocery store or B: Take my child into a grocery store from birth and beat them at an early age when I hear the word "Candy" come out of their mouth.
I think I had a pretty traumatic trip to the grocery store today. Every other aisle Colton said "Can I get some candy" "you don't have any good food it's all healthy" "I want soda" "Why can't I have candy?" then followed by pouting and crying.
I do recall saying close to the same things in the grocery store (which I am SO sorry for mom and dad) and being threatened to get taken out to the car, but I am pretty sure I wasn't 9 and having this fit. I'd love to get all Terre Haute white trash on this kid and beat him in the store. (which no one would care since we were in savealot) But alas, it's not my kid to beat....only glare and scream at.
Number Two-
I will never own a minivan, unless A: I have over 4 children or B: I am well out of my twenties.
August 28, 2006
July 04, 2006
Actually from the minute the fireworks stands start popping up until about mid-August, it's the 4th of July in Terre Haute. Light 'em if you got 'em.
June 13, 2006
I really like my new job. I think I'm a good fit, and the 8-5 is wonderful. I'm still in training, but most of my day was spent interviewing and conducting other hiring related things. Today I was actually tired when I got home, but I am trying to make a positive impact on the two kids that spend half of their life in the same dwelling as me. Without asking, I went to the store, bought the ingredients for a real dinner and dessert. Regardless it was basically fancy grilled cheese and tomato soup, but I still had to mix cheese together, cut french bread and put cheese and other stuff in the tomato soup. This is more than my usual dinner routine of "why don't we just get taco bell"
So I am the good little girlfriend/domestic partner and make the meal. Who doesn't like grilled cheese? Apparently one little fuckstick. The same fuckstick that doesn't like tomatoes, or tomato soup. The same little fuckstick that ate it last time I made it. The same little fuckstick that would rather eat a microwaved egg than eat a home cooked meal. So, I pull a "mom" and not say a peep, and secretly call the fuckstick a fuckstick in my head with a smile on my face.
I figure, I'll get him with my dessert. Who doesn't love strawberries and whipped cream on a fluffy pillow of golden cake? Guess who? Do I even need to say it? The little rat bastard had his minion (not me, mind you) drive him to WENDY's for a FROSTY. Why waste my time?????? Seriously. What's the point of even trying? SERIOUSLY. Just eat the stupid strawberries and smile to make me happy. I don't care if you have to spit them out later, just humor me.
So- lesson learned today: If I am going to spend time to make food, I am going to only make it for me and not worry about what other people want, until of course I have my own children and love them so much I'd even make them food I don't like. Maybe even allow mayo into the house.
June 04, 2006
I was pretty motivated about this summer's movies. I decided I'd push my luck and see another movie. The previews for The Breakup were pretty funny. I thought I'd call my buddy Nichole up. We used to work together until we both found new jobs. We seem to work out a lot better when we're not 3 feet away from each other for 8 hours. So I call up Nichole and left her a message. She calls me back and said it hasn't been a good weekend for her. Long story:
Nichole's boyfriend has/had 3 pitbulls. Two weeks ago one of them killed another one. They didn't get along. On Friday, she was watching the two left with her pitbull, Hailey. The one who killed the other dog decided it was going to take a bite out of her dog. So, they got into a big fight and the killer dog about killed her dog. She got in the middle of the whole shebang and got herself bitten and lots of bruises. She ran out out her neighbor's yard and passed out, and bought herself a ticket to the ER. Her dog is sitting in a local vet clinic (in good care) in Paris. Needless to say, she did not want to drive to Terre Haute for the movie.
So back to the movie. It was funny. I laughed, I loved....The ending, on the flip side, annoyed me so much so that I felt nauseous because I was THAT disappointed. I would not reccommend this movie to anyone. Not even to rent, unless you are someone who likes to be disappointed. I will leave it at that.
Tomorrow's my 1st day at the new job. Wish me luck!
May 20, 2006
I had a yard sale today. The right side of my face is now sunburned. It's wonderful. We made enough money to get gas for the way down and back for vacation. We're going to some resort in Kentucky. That, in theory, should also be wonderful. We'll see. Mom and dad are going to watch Maddy and the Dapper Dog is going to watch Bailey. Chris' mom will watch Albert (the cat) and Fabio (the lizard). Should anyone read this and have a burning desire to watch Albert or Fabio, feel free to email me. I am sure we can work out a deal.
We're going to watch the DaVinci Code tonight. We'll see if my half sunburned face will make it through. I'm sooo tired.
April 04, 2006
March 24, 2006
I just arrived at Kristina and Ted's....I'm so tired. I hope Maddy's doing okay. I left her and Bailey at the vet that a certain person I know's husband works. I'm relying on the kindness of the employees at the vet to take care of my girls.
Maddy has separation anxiety, so I'm sure she's going to love me when I get home....Bailey I don't know about. I've never left her overnight yet.
March 02, 2006
February 25, 2006

This is a picture of my favorite person: Me. Chris and I went on a trip to Cameo Winery in bfe Illinois. As you can see, we went in January, so the grounds of the place were barren. The building we are in is built from parts of a 100 year old barn. It looks really nice considering. I can see mom and dad running a place like this. Mom, Dad, Chris and I went to a winery in Perry County called Winzerwald (sp). It was good wine, beautiful country, but the winery building didn't have much personality.
Update on stuff: Bailey is getting pretty big. She was fixed this past week. Maddy is really starting to act all young again and it's a lot of fun (when Bailey isn't destroying toilet paper). Albert (my cat) is very happy to be living with his mommy again. He sleeps on my feet, which is good and bad. The good is he keeps my feet warm. The bad is he's a fatty and I wake up and my feet are asleep. I think Maddy is estatic that she has her own yard now. I bought this vegtable oil with vitamins in it to put in the dog food, and both bowls are empty in less than a minute.
Are you wondering why I am writing so much after so long? Well, it's because Chris is watching Nascar and I don't especially feel like watching the other tv in my bedroom. I bought Albert a Dale Jr. #8 cat collar at Rural King the other day. He's a redneck kitty now. Hahahaha!
Hopefully I'll keep up on my blogging now.
One more rant. I didn't realize I have missed so much in the cable tv world. It has been a year since I've had more than 10 channels, and I'm loving it. It's like vacation! Time Warner Cable and I are officially back together, and come hell or high water, I'm not giving up Lifetime, HGTV, Food Network, Comedy Central or MTV again!
February 13, 2006
adopt'>">adopt your own virtual pet! |
January 24, 2006

Let me tell you about Bailey (officially named Baily Irish Cream Puppy Pants)
As you may know from earlier posts that I found this dog outside Sonka's pub. I put an ad in the paper and called the shelter to no avail. I ended up telling Chris to take her to the humane society, in which he replied "You can't take the dog there, it's not responsible. You picked it up, now you are responsible for it. Besides, the kids like the dog." All I have to say to that is YEAH, right. Chris fell in love with the dog and it's hilarious. When he thinks I'm not looking he's all about this dog. He says that she's the luckiest dog in the Haute.
Bailey likes to rip up toilet paper and tear the stuffing out of Maddy's dog toys. She's house trained and runs like a deer. It's adorable. How could you not love that face? Maddy's not too thrilled with her, but Maddy wasn't too thrilled with Al either. Al lives at Chris' hosue too, so life isn't too hard for her.