November 02, 2003

Hey, check this out. I can be just like my sisters and have a blog for all my family to see. Do I really want my family knowing what is going on in my every day life? Probably not. Either way, I'm going to type my heart out, which is better than eating my heart out.
I have a feeling I'm going to go on tangents with this blog deal, which is OK for me, since I'm the boss of me.

Do you know what I really hate?
Here is a top 10 list:
#1 When pushing tab in a window gets you to a different area...and not five spaces like a tab should.
#2 The working world
#3 Having to be cordial with dumbasses
#4 Having to shower every day
#5 When my dog poops inside
#6 Not owning a house
#7 Not owning a cool suv
#8 99% of my co-workers
#9 Passive aggressive people
#10 Fat thighs

Now that you know a little about my dislikes, here is a top ten list of things I do like:

#1 Mademoiselle Mutt a.k.a Maddy,Matilda,Mad dog!
#2 Having a pay check
#3 When my fingernails look good
#4 Scented candles
#5 Italian Food
#6 My fiance
#6 Knowing I'm not in over my head financially
#7 Knowing I have my whole life ahead of me
#8 Papazan chairs
#9 The Great Outdoors
#10 My belly button...and the belly button of others.

OK, well its time for me to make some dinner. I think I'll have something a mexican pizza from taco bell! It has tomatoes on it, right? That constitutes as healthy.

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