December 02, 2003

Guess what I found out at work today? I found out that if you show interest in someone's project that you end up doing their bitch work. I think one day I asked the secretary about something on her desk, and ended up being the mail opener. Today I was at our other location in town and mentioned that it would be cool to work there, since it is like a different world (it's our call center). The lady I said that to took me into her office and showed me all this "cool stuff" I could do for her. (I think everyone thinks I just fell off the turnip truck yesterday.) I am about to be roped into some bitch work for an entire month in the call center....Hopefully my manager will see this, and will insist I help her.
Why doesn't anyone get me a great dane puppy for Christmas? I've asked for one for the past three years. Have I really been that bad of a girl? : ( booo hooo
I secretly have the neighborhood cat in here...Morris is resting comfortably on the papazan chair. It will be funny when Nick gets home and sneezes uncontrollably from the dander. I've been busted with the cat in the house a few times, and almost talked him into having him move in with us, but then I had a rush of that whole conscience thing...

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