November 15, 2003

I am a very sick monkey today. Last night Nick and I went to Red Lobster and I got a nosebleed. nice. We went to see Elf after that. It was a really good movie, except I had to blow my nose and sneeze through the whole thing. It seems I had the making of a cold last night, and today it's full blown.

My sister is on vacation as of today. I went to pick up her dog Caesar this morning, and he hasn't sat down since he walked in the door.

There are some new people moving in across the street today, thank god that annoying woman and what I assume is her daughter moved out. I haven't seen anyone out and about doing any moving New Boston is coming out, I simply have to know everything that is going on in the neighborhood. You can take the girl out of the small town, but you can't take the small town out of the girl.

I rented five movies from work...right now I'm watching the cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It's a classic. I'm on the verge of decorating for neighbor who is so Martha Stewart already has her tree up, so why can't I? The only thing stopping me is Caesar, who I assume will eat all the ornaments off my tree. Last year he ate glass bulbs! Didn't phase him a bit.

Columbia House bought time at Toys R Us tonight for the employees. The official count is 1500 people attending. I signed up to go, but then thought, why should I go shopping with co-workers and listen to them bitch about HR?

I'm really really wanting to put my Christmas stuff up. Maybe I'll decorate and then put the tree up after Thanksgiving. Hmm....

November 13, 2003

Ok, I had a big post and then someone gave me a link to watch a very stupid video. Here look at it;

I'm going to skip today, because I feel like I just wasted a bunch of time posting and then losing it.

Catch you on the flip side.

November 11, 2003

Well, it seems my dogs weren't poisoned, however, my dog did vomit on my bed... square on my quilt from grandma. Needless to say, I made a trip to the store and bought some new blankets and sheets.

Mental note to self: when going on a low carb/high protein diet, make sure to find a way to get enough fiber.

I hate Tuesdays...they are too far away from Friday. It was a really crummy day today outside, the kind of day that can really bring you down. I was busy today at work learning my supervisor's job, so I didn't get time to sulk about it being Tuesday.

It seems my devil employer is going to pile a double workload on me, and STILL not hire me on a non-temporary status. I vow here and now, if I'm not a regular employee by December 28th, my Christmas present to myself will be quitting that piece of shit job. I don't care how great of an experience it is, my poor ego can't handle being temporary and working twice as hard as anyone else there.

I found out that I use shopping to ease my stress. I guess it's better than alcohol or drugs. After work today I found myself at Walgreens loading up on makeup that I don't need. I realized I didn't need all that crap before checking out, so I ended up with a huge ass vanilla candle. Lucky for me I was raised believing that money DOESN'T grow on trees.
I really don't have much to say this one will be short. I don't even think I have a top five list. How about this:
Top 5 Chores I Hate:
2. Picking up my clothes from the floor
3. Cleaning anything in the bathroom
4. Sweeping my stupid floors
5. Mopping

Dusting and vacuuming I don't mind so much. :) I don't know why.

Adieu, farewell, auf viederzien, goodnight.

November 10, 2003

Goodness! What am I doing posting a blog at 4:15? Well, let me tell you...I am posting at work because I can, darn it! My manager is sick today...I think somebody has a case of the Mondays! I had a case of the Mondays this morning, but do you see me at home? Nope. one noticed I dyed my hair dark brown except for two people in the office. I was mistaken for the other younger person here, but when I looked up, they said "Oh, it's you." (Because as you all know, I'm the office plague)

My grandma Helen did NOT like my hair, but my parents did. I don't think I like it, but as the hair stylist said, give it a week.

Want to know something gross? I've had dishes in my sink for a week. Pretty nasty. I was going to do them Saturday, but I ended up at my sister's all day. Then yesterday I spent the day at home, and didn't get back until quarter till 9. For those of you who know me, that is wayyyy too late for me to be doing anything but sitting on my happy ass in bed watching TV.

My poor dog Aidan is sick. This morning I woke up and she was right under my feet letting me know it. I picked all four pounds of her up and she was all hot and kind of limp. I have a really bad feeling both of my dogs will be dead when I get home... I had my sister and brother in law watch my dogs yesterday and when I got home they both had gurgling bellies like they ate something rotten. (I give it 40 minutes after I get home until my sister calls and says "I didn't poison your dogs! Take that off your blog! I'll never watch your dogs again!)Hehehe

Ok, well I should do some work now....
Top 5 list of songs I loathe:
1. Anything Clay Aiken (ESPECIALLY that song Invisible)
2. "Where Is The Love" by whoever
3. Anything Justin Timberlake (ESPECIALLY the McDonald's theme song)
4. Ok well, it was a top 3. Sorry.

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