August 01, 2005

Official Day One:

Mom, Kristina, Michaela and I went shopping at Target and Petsmart. Dad, Ted and uncle Jim went to Chimney Rock.

We met up for lunch and discovered that most restaraunts in Hendersonville are closed on Monday. We ended up at some italian restaraunt and had a really good home made lunch.

On to more shopping in downtown H'ville. Plus ice cream.

We split up again and did more shopping. Michaela decided shopping time was over, so we went home and relaxed a bit. Dad, Ted and uncle Jim went to some other rock formation/ park thingey.

Now we're debating on what to do for dinner.....decisions decisions.

Total damage today:
2 fossil like things
2 t shirts from target
1 hendersonville nc long sleeved shirt
1 pair of jammy pants
3 pairs of earrings

I have decided Michaela loves dad the most. She will sit and talk to dad with her eyes wide open like there's no tomorrow. It's pretty cute. :)

I've only had one person ask me if she's mine today....I am not sure if I should be flattered or not, considering most new parents look like ass.


Unknown said...

How fast can you run?

Anonymous said...

Did you REALLY just imply that Krissie(as a new mom) looks like xxxx......... and that your MOM looked like that three times???? Are you brave or what! (of course we all know that it doesn't hold true for favorite aunties)