January 03, 2007

I called the priest at home today to see what steps I needed to get married in the church. I have a feeling that he doesn't want to mess with me. This is our conversation:

Me: Hi, I'm A.H, daughter of P & J H. I would like to get married on 7/7/07. What steps do I need to take?
Him: How old are you?
Me: 25
Him: Never been married?
Me: No
Him: How old is he?
Me: 38
Him: So he's been married once, (pause) or twice?
Me: Once
Him: uuuhh, well, hmmmmm......I can't exactly tell you much. First you'll have to get an anullment, which involves proving that the marriage shouldn't have happened.I can't work with you on anything related to the wedding until that is approved.
Me: It wasn't my marriage, I'll have to ask him to take care of that.
Him: Right, they will have to meet with a priest to discuss uh, hmmmm why their marriage ended.
Me: What if she doesn't cooperate?
Him: Well, hhhmmm..... (pause)then we can't approve anything.
Me: Well, I hate to say to say it, but if I'm not approved by the church to get married, I'll end up going somewhere else that will. I am just really connected with St. Johns.
Him: Ummm....well....(pause)I can't bend any rules (pause)hmm.....I can't tell you anything concrete, we'll just have to meet in person.
Me: Ok, I'll just take care of it here and then if that gets taken care of, then I'll let you know.

I'm really just thinking of saying screw it. It's too much trouble.


Anonymous said...

Better have someone reserve the church for 7-7-7 just in case.....


Anonymous said...

It is possible to have a different priest do the same service at the same church? The current priest sucks all the way around. Not helpful, not polite, not anything that you would think of to describe a priest (or any other clergy). Seriously... What a freak. Can you ask someone at the diocese the same questions? You'd probably get better (more useful) answers.

Angela said...

That's such a load of crap. You totally do not have to have his ex-wife's coorporation. In fact, it will probably make things go faster. I assume St John's is part of the Indy Diocese? I'd contact them and find out where to start. FYI, it's not free to get an annulment. Mine took about three months to get, and St Paul's would not reserve the church until it was complete. But it really wasn't that difficult.

Anonymous said...

Is he Catholic, too? Was he married in a Catholic ceremony? If either of these answers is "no", then you may have no trouble...well, not as much trouble. AS the others said, Talk to another priest, but eventually, you will have to deal with the one at your church...The Catholic church has weird laws and customs about everything. (You should try marrying a non-Christian...Talk about convoluted!! And, we had a very nice priest who helped a great deal.)