November 10, 2003

Goodness! What am I doing posting a blog at 4:15? Well, let me tell you...I am posting at work because I can, darn it! My manager is sick today...I think somebody has a case of the Mondays! I had a case of the Mondays this morning, but do you see me at home? Nope. one noticed I dyed my hair dark brown except for two people in the office. I was mistaken for the other younger person here, but when I looked up, they said "Oh, it's you." (Because as you all know, I'm the office plague)

My grandma Helen did NOT like my hair, but my parents did. I don't think I like it, but as the hair stylist said, give it a week.

Want to know something gross? I've had dishes in my sink for a week. Pretty nasty. I was going to do them Saturday, but I ended up at my sister's all day. Then yesterday I spent the day at home, and didn't get back until quarter till 9. For those of you who know me, that is wayyyy too late for me to be doing anything but sitting on my happy ass in bed watching TV.

My poor dog Aidan is sick. This morning I woke up and she was right under my feet letting me know it. I picked all four pounds of her up and she was all hot and kind of limp. I have a really bad feeling both of my dogs will be dead when I get home... I had my sister and brother in law watch my dogs yesterday and when I got home they both had gurgling bellies like they ate something rotten. (I give it 40 minutes after I get home until my sister calls and says "I didn't poison your dogs! Take that off your blog! I'll never watch your dogs again!)Hehehe

Ok, well I should do some work now....
Top 5 list of songs I loathe:
1. Anything Clay Aiken (ESPECIALLY that song Invisible)
2. "Where Is The Love" by whoever
3. Anything Justin Timberlake (ESPECIALLY the McDonald's theme song)
4. Ok well, it was a top 3. Sorry.

Leave me a comment..I DARE you!

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