June 07, 2005

I've been tagged!

1. Estimate the total number of books you've owned in your life. I've probably bought 10-15 books per year of my literate life. So we'll go with 150. I'm more of a magazine reader.

2. What's the last book you bought? The last book I bought was "It's not how good you are, but how good you want to be," By Paul Arden.

3. What's the last book you read? See question 2.

4. List 5 books that mean a lot to you. Nah.

5. Tag 5 people! Nah.


Anonymous said...

You've been literate longer than that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not...She did go to Clay Huff followed by some country high school or another that the Mysterious Stranger stole the entire contents of the library from..

The Masked Avenger