May 23, 2004

Work has been OK so far. I spent an entire week sitting around watching people do stuff. Next week I actually start knowing what's going on. For the next two weeks my schedule will be 12-8 for training, then who knows after that? I've been told 6AM-3PM. Thursday I played coed softball, I was the catcher :) That's the perfect place for me, the social bug...because I can talk to the umpire, the outfield, and batters. I made an out, and got on base every time I was up to bat. My legs are so sore from catching that I can barely walk, boy, if that's not a sign I'm out of shape, I don't know what is.
Tomorrow I am going to a birthday party, a graduation party and church.
Maddy and Prince Albert(a.k.a Al)have been getting along great. Al loves to clobber Maddy, and Maddy likes to boss Al around. I can't wait to see how it's going to be when he grows up.

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