November 06, 2003

Well, I didn't get to post anything yesterday...a rare occurrence happened;Nick had the evening off. We had a great evening. We made a fire in the fireplace, drank Mystic Chai tea and watched TV. Turns out I needed some sleep, as it seems I fell asleep at 8 and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Well, today my supervisor took the day I spent another day doing nothing. My sister broke her foot four days ago at work and just now got it cast. Talk about screwed up..she works in a hospital!

So what do you think about the Florida woman who is brain damaged? What would you want your family to do if you were in her shoes? I wouldn't have wanted my family to plug me to a feeding tube in the first place. What kind of life can you have if you're severely brain damaged? Maybe this is a discussion you should have with your family.

I am going to have to set this thing up to where people can leave me messages, so I don't look like a lunatic who talks to herself.

Friends is on in five minutes. My sister just found out about my blog...this means everyone in my family and all their friends are going to read this. Anyway, here is my top five list for today:

Top Five Reasons Why I Like Peanut Butter:
1. You can make celery taste good with it
2. It is good for you in moderation
3. It makes my dogs look funny when you feed them PB
4. It's classic
5. Ok, so I only had four reasons!

Have a great evening and a beautiful Friday!

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